'#Meghalaya #Foodka #mirafsarali #localfood #meghalayafood #bengalifoodinshillong Foodka and Bhaipo\'s culinary adventure through beautiful Shillong continues! Check out the episode now! Check out the Google Map locations : Bamboo Shoot Achi\'s Authentic Naga Cuisine: https://goo.gl/maps/iTGYEkhy92etcjRX9 Baba Tourist Lodge: https://goo.gl/maps/bvzpo674X5CDxnA27 Hotel Polo Towers: https://goo.gl/maps/BWDrbHf8xLLavxhHA To know more about the hotel, check: www.hotelpolotowers.com For official Foodka merchandise visit - https://www.bongmade.com/product-category/new-collection/foodka/ Follow Foodka on Social Media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/foodkaseries/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/foodkaseries/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/foodkaseries YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCByoEPQbSxyB7PGFDmqtHw'
Tags: bengali cuisine , Bamboo Shoot , pomfret fish , foodka , mir afsar ali , mir foodka , foodka new episode , naga cuisine , shillong restaurants , shilllong food , meghala food , north east cuisine , bengali food in shillong , achis shillong , Smoked Pork with Akhuni , foodka season 14 , indrajit foodka , mir new episode
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